13 Jun 2011


 As we attend some wedding ceremony or any function  there we see people just dance with a good spirit 
From them who would be the best dancer or better dance no idea but everyone wanna become a good dancer 
Some practice day and night to improve their skill , and some people just join dance academy for their passion to become something best  they have some platform like some reality shows to dance and become a dancer, choreographer these were some examples who wanna become a true dancer 
But now we will talk about some people who not even can move there body in dancing 
no matter that you are not a good dancer but you can try to become for this you have to just move your body whenever the music starts  if you think that you can dance then try to follow your mentor but never  lose your own style. don't think that dance is a waste but it is benefit for yourself only when you dance it is like a exercise for your body  
If you can't dance then too then try something which you see daily like reality shows  like boggie woggie ,
dance india dance , nach baliye , and the latest just dance 
I now everyone would be watching this shows and you would always think that i wanna be there 
If someone says to you that you are a bad dancer then don't lose your hope just dance as if you are exercising  forget all thing and just dance 

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