20 Oct 2011

First Time I Met You .............!!!

Since the first time i met you 
i couldn't see to forget you 

your heart is so kind 
that you are always on my mind 

i feel so happy to be with you 
and i thank god that i found you 

first i use to think as you a good friend 
but then realized that my feeling will never end 

when i see you smile 
it makes me worth while

whenever i see in your eyes 
my heart never start to compromise 

i never felt this way before 
and so now onwards i couldn't ignore 

I'm glad that we meet 
i know you are very sweet 

I was so afraid to tell you 
but then i didn't know what to do 

i feel very lonely sometimes 
but i know you are there with me for lifetime


this poem is about a girl who have met are soul mate for the first time and she is now love with him and she can't stop her feelings then finally she decides to tell him that she loves him truly when she is lonely she thinks about him and get happy that he will be always with her for lifetime 

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  1. while reading, i m thnking abt Titanic movie's song

  2. thankuuu sooo much bhagya im happy that u feel that while u read it
