20 Oct 2011

First Time I Met You .............!!!

Since the first time i met you 
i couldn't see to forget you 

your heart is so kind 
that you are always on my mind 

i feel so happy to be with you 
and i thank god that i found you 

first i use to think as you a good friend 
but then realized that my feeling will never end 

when i see you smile 
it makes me worth while

whenever i see in your eyes 
my heart never start to compromise 

i never felt this way before 
and so now onwards i couldn't ignore 

I'm glad that we meet 
i know you are very sweet 

I was so afraid to tell you 
but then i didn't know what to do 

i feel very lonely sometimes 
but i know you are there with me for lifetime


this poem is about a girl who have met are soul mate for the first time and she is now love with him and she can't stop her feelings then finally she decides to tell him that she loves him truly when she is lonely she thinks about him and get happy that he will be always with her for lifetime 

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“Until victory always” - Ernesto Che Guevara

A controversial figure of the 20th Century, Che Guevara Born on June 14 1928 grew up in Argentina Guevara studied medicine at Buenos Aires University where he also became involved in opposition under the dictatorship of Argentine leader Juan Peron. An intellectual and an idealist, able to speak coherently about Aristotle, Kant, Marx, Gide or Faulkner, he also loved poetry, and was equally at home with Keats as with Sara De Ibáñez, his favorite writer.He studied Marx and became a major revolutionary figure in Latin America, joining with Fidel Castro to establish a communist government in Cuba. 

Che Guevara undoubtedly has a romantic and cultural appeal to many young people who associate with   his image as a "rebel”. 
Guevara's image is iconic in some leftist circles even today


script on Che Guevara  

Teacher announces good news to students about a movies on che Ernesto Guevara  which will be screened tomorrow as tomorrow his birth anniversary ( 9th October 1967 )
Students are very happy to see and know about Ernesto Guevara 
Maria student : please mam could you tell us something about Ernesto Guevara so that tomorrow we can understand the film with interest
Teacher : sure why not I will be glad to tell his story
Teacher :
Ernesto Guevara was born on June 14,1928 – October 9, 1967 in Rosario, Argentina
the eldest of five children in an Argentine family of Spanish
Though suffering crippling bouts of acute asthma that were to afflict him throughout his life, he excelled as an athlete, enjoying swimming, football, golf, and shooting; 
Guevara learned chess from his father and began participating in local tournaments by age 12. During adolescence and throughout his life he was passionate about poetry,
He was a medical student  from University of Buenos Aires
And in college days he used to roam beautiful countries with his motorcycle and in those days he also used to write dairies one of them he wrote the Motorcycle Diaries  which later became a New York Times best-seller
 Student  : mam I have a question
Teacher : yes please proceed what you want to ask
Student:  mam you repeatedly spoke che Guevara would you tell me that his name is Ernesto Guevara then why che  is used ?
Teacher : good question you asked Che was nickname of Ernesto Guevara This name was acquired when Guevara was studying
Students: what does ‘’CHE’’ sands for I mean what it means?
Teacher:  It means "mate" or "friend" in South America
So students this was the short brief introduction of Ernesto Guevara tomorrow you are going to watch his movies in that you will understand he was a  Argentine Marxist revolutionary and how he fought Cuban revolution He  has become a symbol for freedom and liberty
Don’t forget to watch

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